Muskegon River - Muskegon, MI Fishing Report on 21st Jun, 2024
Published Date: June 21, 2024
Early Summer Heatwave
Muskegon River - Muskegon, MI
The last 4 weeks have seen some up and downs. There were some extremely cold nights that lead to some extremely slow mornings, while bundled up in our winter gear. However, the extreme heat and lack of rain warmed the rivers up to mid-summer temps fast. The trout fishing on the Muskegon has been absolutely incredible and trout biting almost anything we tie to our lines. A few clients were fortunate enough to land some special Muskegon River fish. One a beautiful 20-inch brown trout landed on a flashy wollybugger while fly casting for his first time ever! The 30-inch Summer Skam while bass fishing was as an epic battle that I've ever seen and that won't soon be forgotten. While top water hasn't consistency been as productive for me this season, the Ned rig in the river is hard to beat. For a few weeks we were finding some fish in slow water and then maybe some in deep and some right off the bank. They were hard to nail down day to but trudging spots and moving while changing Ned colors paid off most days. But with the river temps rising fast, big deep bends is the ticket. Finding the right weight, for the depth and current is important. But working a deep bend can really pay off with multiple fish. I'm looking forward to more early summer Smallie fishing, while all 3 rivers I'm running right now are producing awesome numbers of Smallmouth and a lot of large fish. This is my favorite time of year, SUMMER SMALLMOUTH!
Light Fishing Pressure
Water clarity
Very Clear, 6-12 Feet